Journal pages

Inspired by: Carla Sonheim

Earlier this year I was making up backgrounds for various pages in my art journal. Mainly, I was having fun playing with different methods of putting paint to paper and using acrylics in a watercolor like manner. The other night I had the chance to use some of these pages as they seemed perfect for the one of the exercises in Carla Sonheim’s bookL Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals. I’ve been wanting to make cows and other animals lately, so this book twisted my thinking a little, and got me drawing my animals outside the box. It is a great book by the way and be sure to go check out the link above, I love her art work, and when I read page fifteen, I was laughing. I could have written it.  When I read, she has a B.A. in History, that sealed the deal for me, and I had to buy the book.


birds and other animals

Another page from my journal:

birds and other animals


I was flipping thru my large art journal, looking for more pages that had good color splotches,when I stumbled upon this page. I am going to turn the lotus flower into a stamp.

ink and graphite lotus flower

Full view of this page. This was done earlier this year. It amazes me sometimes when I look back over my journals, once I’ve had enough time to “forget” about what is wrong or bad about my work, and I actually can see the positives in my work. The loss of judgement over it. I forget all the mistakes and imperfections, and I am finally able to see it with fresh eyes.

words, ink, and graphite.

Another page, I remember hating and being frustrated with, now its just different, I love the faces, lips and eyes. I can see how my work has changed from then and what has remained.

ink and graphite.


3 thoughts on “Journal pages

  1. The imaginary animals pages are so cute!! And the lotus would be an awesome stamp. I think the faces on the last page look very good, but I know what you mean about liking them better when you come back to them later, I do the same thing when I work on faces.

  2. I love your little doodle creatures…I have discovered this past year that going back into pieces and accentuating with doodles is very fun !

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